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ЦеныLAND, acknowledged leaders in the field of temperature measurement, have supplied the glass container and hollowware industry throughout the world with temperature measuring equipment for over 55 years. Today, LAND manufacture a whole range of measurement instruments specifically designed for the glass industry. All are designed to the highest standards of quality and reliability to ensure accurate measurements under plant operating conditions. The measurement of temperature at critical locations in the production process is essential for the full understanding and efficient control of glass manufacture and processing. Automotive Glass
История и ПродуктыLAND Instruments International is the world leader in the design and application of infrared temperature measurement for industry. Land is known as both innovators and manufacturers of high quality precision radiation thermometers and thermometer systems; Land´s position is unrivalled with over 60 years experience in temperature measurement. Land products are used extensively in applications as diverse as steel, glass, electronics, mineral processing, power generation, utility and aircraft gas turbines, and a wide range of other industries. Ongoing development creates products for new applications and the continuous improvement of an expanding product range. Infrared temperature measurement product range includes: Fixed, on-line thermometers and systems – for process control and product quality Пожалуйста, нажмите здесь , если Вы хотите внести также и Ваше предприятие в самый большой в мире банк данных стекла. |